a massive business using NETWORKING system based on SYARIAH!
a business labeled MULTI LEVEL MARKETING SYARIAH that grows with WARP speed, flying high LEADING market as a market leader with lots of high quality products made by MUSLIM.

A business that you can START with only
USD 424
and a store called
will be YOURS

That USD 424 is a small number that if you save it in a bank it will GONE soon caused by ADMIN fee and INFLATION. But if you exchange it with a store called HALALMART, it will grow, grow and grow. The ROI (Return of Investment) is less than 30 days. GUARANTEED!

This business can be done through facebookWAPathLinkIN etc. 

This business is for:
  • MOMs who want extra money but still want to have plenty times for their beloved family,
  • Employees who want EXTRA income out of regular sallary,
  • College Students who want to pay school fee by their own,
  • Businessmen who want to expand to new business,
  • Store Owners  who want to have loyal customers,
  • any body who want to build muslim's business to help others.
This business is 
Certified by MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) both for products and system.

This business is 

1. You join and invest USD 424
2. You change your regular products at home with muslim's products (HIJRAH)

Change your toothpaste with PGH
Change your soap with honey soap, propolis soap or Kolagen soap

Change your family vitamin with EXTRAFOOD

Change your first aid medication with MHS (Minyak Herba Sinergi).

YES! You only need to HIJRAH. Change your regular products at home wiht muslim's products! Milk,coffee, herb for headache, cough and other products.

3. Put a banner on your fence at home and let neighbors and relatives know that you have just opened a store. HALALMART! A reference for muslims to shop!.

4. Ask your relatives, neighbors, friends to do the same as you have done as described in step 1, 2, 3 dan 4.

This business is 


This is a REAL business. NOT money game nor hoax.
Head Quarter: 
Komplek Billy & Moon Jl. Kelapa Kuning IX Blok H-2 No. 6 Pondok Kelapa Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur 13450

This business is called
Herba Penawar Alwahidah Indonesia
with international name
Halal Network International

and let me introduce my self,
Mohammad Syafei
Executive Director (ED)

If you decide to
you will own a HALALMART HPAI
than you just follow 4 steps above. You will have your financial freed om in less than 3 months

If you
you will get
1. MEMBERSHIP account
2. Virtual Office (AVO=Agent Virtual Office)
3. HSIS (HPAI Sales Integrated System) - a Point Of Sales (POS) system for your store.
4. Banner
5. HPAI products worth USD 424

1. Don put you USD 424 in bank, it will DISAPPEAR very SOON
2. Buy GOLD, it more stable
3. or JOIN and turn it to HALALMART HPAI. Your money will GROW! In syaa Allah.

Contact me:
email: halalnetworkinternational@gmail.com
email: syafei9838@gmail.com
WA/SMS/Telpon: +62-812-1012-4259
Facebook: http://facebook.com/syafeiHNI

or just click

or at lease you can LIKE our fanpage.

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